Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Da Bears - Orton vs. Grossman

With the Bears coming off a hard loss against the Pittsburgh Steelers, the questions still stands: Should Orton be yanked for Grossman or should the team stay with Orton?

In my opinion, Rex Grossman had a great opportunity to lead this team. He already has some NFL experience as a starting QB. This would be helpful to the team. However, Orton has filled in as a rookie and the team has a 9-4 record with Orton as QB. The Offense has adjusted to Orton's style, which could be a liability, but nevertheless he is only a rookie. Putting in Grossman NOW I think is too little too late. If it had been say 2-3 weeks ago, I would say the offense would have a good chance to make the adjustment, but with only a couple of weeks until the playoffs, not a good time. Yes, his stats are not good, but the Defense has made-up for what the Offense is lacked. Let's face it, Football is 65% Defense and 35% Offense. An Offense can only score, but the Defense can both hold an opponent's field position AND score. The Baltimore Ravens are a classic example of a team with a great Defense that won the Super Bowl. I say let Orton complete one full season and get his experience as a starting QB. Then wait until training camp and pre-season to evaluate who will be the starting QB and future for the Bears.


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