Thursday, December 15, 2005

Christmas, Hannakuh - Being PC around the Holidays

How PC (Politically Correct) have we really become in this country? I recently heard that retails stores are now calling Christmas Trees Holiday Trees. Aw come on, I mean, PLEASE! I know that Jewish people do not buy Christmas trees because the tree is part of the Christmas tradition, not the Jewish tradition. They might still buy one, because they like the look of it or just simply want to encorporate that part into their own tradition, but the tree has been called a Christmas Tree for years. To call it a Holiday Tree infers that all religious people embrace the tree in their traditions. Also, it takes the Christmas out of the name where it was Christians who started the tradition. I also heard in the news that Target and other retailers are not allowing their employees to say "Merry Christmas" to shoppers because it has a religious connotation to it. I have been saying Merry Christmas to people since I was born and have said it to a few Jewish people I know. Not one has ever been insulted by my saying it. In one situation, he was Jewish and I did not know it. I quickly said "Happy Hannukuh" to him and he replied "Thanks, but don't worry about it". Should we stop saying "God Bless You" or "Bless You" when someone sneezes? There is an atheist out there who is trying to get "one nation under God" eliminated from our Pledge Allegiance and I have heard he is working on getting "In God We Trust" off of our money. Whether you agree or disagree with his actions, write your Senators and Congreeman and let them know how you feel. I have many times and each time I feel more like part of this great democracy where my voice is heard. Let's take back Christmas!


Blogger John Mc. said...

The joke's on them, kind of. The word "Holiday" comes from "Holy Day." Unfortunently in today's society, we use "holiday" for everything from Flag Day to Canadian Boxing Day. And Europe uses "Holiday" in place of "Vacation." But, the root still remains "Holy Day" and was used as another way to say "Christmas."

11:22 AM  

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