Wednesday, March 22, 2006

X-Men (and Women)

Rarely does a movie series come along where the directors and such make a successful sequel or even a successful third movie. Seeing the trailers recently for the third X-Men movie coming out this movie gets me pumped-up and I can not wait to see this exception to the above premise.
X-Men is about people in our culture with "extra abilities". or "mutants" as they are called in the comic book. Each is born with a genetic mutation that manifests itself as an extraordinary power. Some mutants are good, some join the forces of evil. Even though I have never read one of the comic books, I have become a fan of the movies. Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, and other big name actors make up the cast and with all of the action, not to mention a somewhat believable storyline, I can not help but want to go see it as soon as it comes out.
With that in mind, I have a question to pose to everyone: What kind of a "mutuant" would you want to be if you could become one? For instance, Wolverine, one of the lead characters, has three sharp razors that extend from his hands. Cyclops' eyes can release an energy beam from his eyes. If you were born with a mutation that you could use for a better purpose, what would it be?
Keep in mind that I am assuming that you (we) have a CHOICE in this matter. When we are created, naturally we do not have a choice. But just for fun, think about what you could do to better the world around us.
I think I would want healing hands. If I could put my hands on someone, I could withdraw whatever element is eating at them, such cancer, AIDS, or other life-threatening diseases. My mutation would be that my hands warm-up when they are places on people with an illness, then they magicially suck the cancerous cells, or whatever defect, from the person through the skin and into my body. Upon receive the disease, I would be able to transfer it from my hands to a jar keep it contained so that it could not spread.
Pretty far out there, eh? But it is so much fun to mix reality and fiction sometimes!


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