Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Samuel Alito Elected Next Supreme Court Justice

It is official: Judge Samuel Alito was confirmed this morning to be the new Supreme Court Justice. After weeks of speculation, this political affair has finally come to an end and our Congress can now re-focus its energies on the political matters of the day.
I have to say that I am a bit disappointed in our Senate for voting along party lines during this process. While Judge Alito is seem as being somewhat Conservative, he was clearly not 100% Conservative. He comes with many fine credentials and answered the questions he was asked at the Judicial Hearing with truth and precision. It was very sad when Senators attacked his credibility and forced the Judge's wife to leave in tears. The purpose of the hearings was to get at the core of where the judge stands on issues, not question his integrity.
In the end, this tactic backfired on the Liberal who asked these nasty questions. The court of public opinion shifted towards the election of Judge Alito as these Senators were seen for what they were.
One thing our media forgets to report is that our Supreme Court is made up of nine judges, not one! They think that because a judge is more Conservative that all future decisions made by the Court are going to hinge on his one voice. Again, he is ONE voice, not nine! Extremists have gone out on a limb to say that civil liberties, including the right to abortion, will be taken away because of Judge Alito being on the bench. How can one man command so much power in a group of nine?
I am not trying to undermine the importance of Judge Alito's confirmation. I do understand that he will bring with him a set of values and experience that will have a small affect on the Court. But at the same time, people are already saying what he is going to do and how our country is going to be destroyed and he hasn't even been sworn in! It's time people stop crying Chicken Little's the sky is falling just because of the election of one man. He's in as judge, deal with it!


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